I'll forgive but I'll never forget what you did.
Aku maafkan kau tapi aku takkan lupakan apa yang ko buat kat aku.
Sometimes being human, we have the tendency to forgive but not forget. Simpan dalam hati, pikul atas bahu, kekadang bertahun-tahun lamanya. It's heavy on the shoulder, even heavier on the chest.
Bila direnung ayat 3 Surah Al-Ghafir ni, rasa malu sendiri, malu dengan Allah especially.
Yang Mengampunkan dosa, dan Yang Menerima taubat; Yang Berat azabNya; Yang Melimpah-limpah kurniaNya; tiada Tuhan melainkan Dia; kepadaNyalah tempat kembali. (40:3)
Berapa banyaknya kesalahan;
betapa besarnya dosa ngan Allah;
tapi Allah tutup dosa kita, Allah lindung aib kita;
Allah delete dosa-dosa kita from the database;
Allah kosongkan the Recycle Bin for us.
Tapi kita ni (huhuu...aku lah tu), find it really hard, difficult giler to forgive, to forget and let go off the past. Nyanyi cam Elsa Let it go..let it go..pun belum guarantee boleh forgive & forget.
Ya Ghaffur ..help us find the strength to not only memaafkan sesama sendiri, but also melupakan those who wronged us.
May you (Allah) in return, forgive all our sins and accept our repentances.
Ghafir, meaning "The All-Forgiving" (referring to God).
Also known as Al-Muʼmin, "The Believer
40th chapter (sūrah) of the Qur'an, with 85 verses (āyāt)
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