Al kisah ...catatan tadabbur Day 2.. Masih pada Surah Ghafir 40:8
Hari ni genap 10 tahun, mak pergi. ( Moga Allah ampunkan aruah mak ngan abah and place them both among the soleh solehah) Mak was only a housewife then; tak pernah masuk U, never belajar pondok pun. Ye lah wasn't common for girls to further study , zaman zaman tu. Tapi mak was a great planner; a strategist.
To me, Mak was a good Ustazah and a great Teacher, a grand Strategist, in her own way.
Mak tak lah pernah directly or openly said 'Jom, kita amalkan yang ni...' 'Jom kita buat ni ..' 'Nanti Kita leh masuk syurga reramai, sesama'
Her way was subtle yet consistent.
Every night after the lights were off, kami adik-beradik (berenam dah masa tu) pakat-pakat baca ayat dari Juz Amma. Malam ni 'Alam tarakai' ..esok 'Wal asr' pulak. Kalau salah . Mak betulkan..sampai terlelap.
Bila nak ke sekolah, bila nak buka buku , nak periksa , tak putus-putus , Mak pesan 'Ingat, baca doa, jangan lupa mintak kat Allah.'
Subtle, indirect tapi consistent .
And to me it was effective in mendidik the 7 of us.
Hari ni most of us are lucky.
Banyak pendedahan, banyak free and paid seminar from qualified Ustaz and Ustazah Kalau buka FB, IG , scroll tak sampai 1 cm jer dah leh dapat bermacam-macam live or recorded sessions.
Rasanya with such sources , we don't have any excuse to not share.
Bersepah info, video yang kita leh forward kat anak2, adik-beradik and rakan-taulan.
Bak kata orang utagha, bercambah aih, punya lah banyak.
Rasanya tak perlu tunggu sampai kita be perfect, then baru nak ajak or share.
Rasanya tak perlu over-thinking about what others would say, then baru nak share.
Ini satu perjalanan, it's a journey with a clear destination.
Just pack apa yang kita ada, ajak anak2, adik beradik jalan sesama.
Along the way Kita perbetulkan, perbaiki.
Kita pick up yang elok and drop yang buruk. After all , Allah yang Al-Alim knows our intention .
Insha-Allah, am sure He will guide us .
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