Prof Az would write to me in Bahasa Malaysia, every time. Complete sentences with correct grammar and proper structure. My new acquaintance Ilzaf, also writes his blog in the Bahasa Ibunda. He writes really well too. And it troubles me when I need to hit the reply button to these 2 people. I know what to write; in fact I have a lot to write. Have yet to find myself in a situation where I find myself short of things to write. The only challenge is I do not really know how to write or say it in a proper ayat, nahu and tatabahasa. Boleh lah nak tulis macam budak-budak sekarang menulis dalam FB, with improper tatabahasa etc. I did reply their messages and emails in Banglish, i.e. a mixed of Bahasa and English with (as you would expect) 80% are English words. I do not feel stupid writing to them in half-half but I definitely look kinda silly to them. Sigh!
My grandparents (on Abah's side) were Malay descendants. According to Mak, Tok came from Sumatera when he was really young. That means he was also from the Malay ethnics group. That means my parents are also Malays. And that makes me a Malay. But my penguasaan Bahasa is weak (or is it penggunaan? Dang!).
I was brought up in a Malay speaking community, with strong influence of Tamil languages. No, we were not living in a rubber estate; just happened that our neighbors were mostly Indians. Mak had very limited vocabulary of that Mat Saleh language.I have never heard Abah uttered any English word. I went to a Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan (SRK). By the mid 70's the SRK was no longer ran in English medium. I had a good exposure to Bahasa; and yet I kinda lose a good grip of a proper one.
I have nothing against the use of Bahasa. I just feel more comfortable expressing myself using the Mat Saleh language, especially so when I get emotionally moved. (Years ago, my 16-year old housemate asked me if I dreamed in English. She overheard me cakap orang putih in my sleep. I blamed it on the GM who kept pushing me to improve the process cycle time)
So what do I do about this? Perhaps it is time for me to pick up a new resolution - mengatasi masalah penguasaan Bahasa .. Perhaps it is time for me to write in Bahasa.. Hmm.. maybe then I will look silly to others. Sigh!
My grandparents (on Abah's side) were Malay descendants. According to Mak, Tok came from Sumatera when he was really young. That means he was also from the Malay ethnics group. That means my parents are also Malays. And that makes me a Malay. But my penguasaan Bahasa is weak (or is it penggunaan? Dang!).
I was brought up in a Malay speaking community, with strong influence of Tamil languages. No, we were not living in a rubber estate; just happened that our neighbors were mostly Indians. Mak had very limited vocabulary of that Mat Saleh language.I have never heard Abah uttered any English word. I went to a Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan (SRK). By the mid 70's the SRK was no longer ran in English medium. I had a good exposure to Bahasa; and yet I kinda lose a good grip of a proper one.
I have nothing against the use of Bahasa. I just feel more comfortable expressing myself using the Mat Saleh language, especially so when I get emotionally moved. (Years ago, my 16-year old housemate asked me if I dreamed in English. She overheard me cakap orang putih in my sleep. I blamed it on the GM who kept pushing me to improve the process cycle time)
So what do I do about this? Perhaps it is time for me to pick up a new resolution - mengatasi masalah penguasaan Bahasa .. Perhaps it is time for me to write in Bahasa.. Hmm.. maybe then I will look silly to others. Sigh!
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