Sunday, December 11, 2011

My memories of Mak


The Ambitious, Proactive Mak
Am not sure when and how Mak did her forward-looking thinking and planning, despite her hectic daily household chores. She didn't even attend any fancy Leadership training by Covey or Maxwell alike. Nonetheless, she made sure we all had proper and complete educations. She chose a Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan (7 kilometers away) over a Sekolah Kebangsaan, that was only 5-min walking distance. In the 70's tuition centers were not a common sight. Mak made us stayed back after morning school to be at Cikgu Yang's house, to be tutored by her. Had it been Abah, he would not have even allowed us to live/study at boarding schools 200 kilometers away when we were barely 13. Had it not been for Mak, we would never had the chance to study in foreign lands, thousand miles away. It didn't dawn onto me Mak's (strategic) thinking and planning for our education till I was in college.

Mak's Endless Love
Mak did not do much cooking in the last 10 years. She did not even prepare her own breakfast, instead Abah did. Abah toasted her Gardenia wholemeal bread on daily basis, with thick black Kopi O. However, when we returned home either for the 2-day weekend or long Raya breaks, she made sure there were good meals prepared.
She would walk around when we were sleeping, making sure we had our blankets and pillows (even till we were in our 30's)

Mak's favorites ..
color - blue (but Mak loved to dress us in red baju kurung for raya..)
food - laksa
fast food - pizza
Kopi O over tea
Kuih - seri muka, karipap, masalode (wadai)
english word - understand?
daily dress - baju kurung kedah & kain batik
dish during Raya - lemang with rendang ayam (lodeh when Na started preparing it)

sigh .. better ask Ataq/ Alim what else were Mak's favorites ...

Wahai Allah, ampunilah Mak, naikkanlah darjatnya diantara orang-orang yang mendapat hidayah, dan lindungilah keluarga dan keturunannya yang masih hidup. Ampunilah dia dan kami, wahai Tuhan sekelian alam, luaskanlah kubur baginya dan berikanlah cahaya didalamnya..Amin

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